Thursday, February 8, 2007

BITS Bites me

So we are trying to push out the client to a couple of our Regional Offices (RO’s). Our preferred method (meaning method used by the old admin) is to use the free client health tool by 1E.

The advantage of this tool is that it is a startup script that checks to see if SMS is working properly. If it isn’t working properly (or isn’t installed), then it re-installs it. It works better than the built in client push method since you can control who gets the startup script via group policy. It also will email the designated admin if it can’t install properly and give you a reason.

Lucky for me, my email box received 20 emails today about out of date BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service). SMS can’t download and run a package if BITS doesn’t work properly. According to Microsoft, the most current version of BITS is 3.0 (

Now if only there was a place to download BITS 3.0 for distribution... Best I could find was BITS 2.0 here:

If anybody knows more info, please let me know.

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